... I'd konk out every Sunday evening right after dinner.
![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/p526x296/10487577_10101384749617737_7621162683612444757_n.jpg) |
On the ferry with my best friend. |
After Sunday service and Sunday School, there was an important congregational meeting about renewing pastoral contracts. It was a long (and I have to admit,
emotional) meeting. Normally, we go to and from church with my parents, but they had to leave to take care of my grandma. Howard and I had to take public transportation home. We waited for the bus to take to the ferry, and then we stood around some more waiting for the ferry to arrive. I felt we were making good time since the meeting ended around 4:20 or so, and we were on the ferry a little after 5pm. But then during the actual ride, the boat's engines had to be stopped because of the sailboats in the water. This made the length of the journey a bit longer than normal, so the two buses we could have taken from the ferry terminal were long gone. We had to stand some more there until the next bus arrived. Then there was the walk home from the stop to our apartment (since we already took the bus in the city, we utilized our transfer already so couldn't take a connecting one). I was so happy to finally be home! Commuting with Howard is definitely a lot easier than commuting alone, of course, but if we had to do this every Sunday, I'd be wiped out for the rest of the night and quite possibly the next day!
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