Sunday, April 20, 2014

He is Risen ... YES!

Today was a great day. How great? SO great that after I got home from church, ate dinner, and took a shower, I went to bed and promptly fell asleep after Howard and I talked about what happened throughout the day. I'm awake now because when Howard climbed in bed and made sure I had enough blanket on me, I figured I should get up to dry my hair so that I could sleep better. With that being said, there's obviously no way I'm going to write a recap of Easter so that'll just have to wait until tomorrow!

The one thing I did want to share though was something that really made an impact on me. Our senior pastor said that one of the Easter traditions was how he would say, "He is risen" and the congregation would reply, "He is risen indeed!" He wanted to update it a little so when he said, "He is risen," he had all of us make a hand motion and say, "YES!!!" As we did it a few times as a big group with a mixture of those from the Chinese and English congregation, I just thought that it was a great reminder that we are to be THRILLED and JOYOUS that Jesus Christ was victorious over the grave and is alive! I know it's not like we forget what Easter means, but I admit that sometimes I forget how AMAZING it is and that we should be jumping up and down in excitement. Pretty awesome!

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