Friday, April 18, 2014

Remembering Good Friday

Last night I was thinking about what I could possibly post today for Good Friday, but nothing really came to mind. When I was scrolling my Instagram feed this morning, I came across this beautiful calligraphy with Jesus' words that really sums up what the day represents. I met Jenna through my job at Gateway. She's the granddaughter of the pastor who founded the church and the school, the older sister of one of my former students, and now the wife of my former colleague. Of course, I really only knew of her, but now I see her every once in a while when I go sub. I didn't know that she had such an artistic side, and I absolutely love the lettering she does. I guess I never thought about how Bible verses or phrases could take on a whole new meaning when done in calligraphy.

Written by Jenna Flynn
I feel that this particular piece really just expresses what I can't put into words right now. It's part of Jesus' last words spoken as He was being crucified on the cross, and seeing it written like this just brings it that much nearer and dearer to my heart. Though we are joyous when we think about Easter Sunday as we celebrate Christ's resurrection, today is the day we think about the sacrifice, the pain, and the suffering. I admit that each year, Good Friday makes me the slightest bit uncomfortable because I think about what Jesus gave up for me and then I think about my own life and try to tell myself that I should be feeling these things on more than just one day of the year. What a beautiful reminder of the love and the obedience that we should strive to have. Thanks, Jenna, for posting this and letting me use it on my blog.

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